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How can you get Numero de Utente in Portugal?

The Número de Utente is one of the most important documents if you live in Portugal. You need it to go to the public hospital, the pharmacy, or to do a vaccine. Due to Covid-19 the application flow became even easier, now it’s possible to apply online, just by...

How to issue “recibos verdes” by yourself?

So you have already registered as a freelancer in Portugal, or just plan to start to work independently? To do it officially and pay taxes in Portugal you have to invoice your clients through the website of Portuguese Tax Authorities (Financas). Here is a full step-by-step guide how to...

E-Residency Portugal program launches this year

Portugal is one of the most attractive locations for digital nomads, startups and bigger companies, so the official start of e-Residency program was already expected by huge amount of people. Now the government is finally ready to launch the e-Residency Portugal. The concept of e-Residency Portugal program combines the...

How to start a business in Portugal?

Recently Portugal has become a very attractive location for business development, kind of a gate for the whole European market. Here is a step-by-step timeline of the company registration process. Setup a company in Portugal 1. Gathering the documents. To start a registration process for a company in Portugal...

How to exempt your vehicle from taxes in Portugal?

When you move to another country and want to bring your car with you, one of the most complicated questions is how to exempt your vehicle from taxes? Here is a completed instruction on how you can do it by yourself, and we hope that it will cover all...

How to get a NIF in Portugal

Even before arriving in Portugal, you will learn that you need a Number of tax identification, in Portuguese it is called NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) or Número de Contribuinte. We need NIF in Portugal for: purchase or rental of real estate; registration of business and your own company;...