בלוג - בדוק את המאמרים האחרונים שלנו - e-residence

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כיצד להגיש בקשה למספר NIE בספרד

If you’re planning to relocate to or purchase property in Spain, you’ll need to apply for an ID number. Spain has different types of ID numbers for various purposes. The one we’ll focus on in this article is the NIE number, also called the Número de Identidad de Extranjero....

כיצד לעדכן את הכתובת שלך באתר Finanças?

Instructions 1. Go to the tax portal page by clicking the link, enter your login credentials, and click the “Autenticar” button. 2. You should end up on this screen, which is also known as “e-balcão“. Translation: e-counter. This is the Portuguese Tax Office’s online help counter where you can complete a variety of...