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How to Get Citizenship in Portugal: Comprehensive Guide

Portuguese citizenship is highly sought after due to its numerous benefits and the variety of pathways available for obtaining it. As a member of the European Union, Portugal offers its citizens the right to live, work, and travel freely across all EU countries. This article will guide you through the different routes to obtaining Portuguese citizenship, including by descent, birth, naturalization, marriage, adoption, and the Golden Visa program. Understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits can help you determine the best path for you to become a Portuguese citizen.

Benefits of Portuguese Citizenship

  1. Freedom of Movement: Portuguese citizens enjoy the freedom to live, work, and travel in any EU country, as well as visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 180 countries worldwide​​.
  2. High Quality of Life: Portugal is known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare system, and top-rated educational institutions. As a citizen, you can access these services at reduced or no cost.
  3. Dual Citizenship: Portugal allows dual citizenship, meaning you can retain your original nationality while enjoying the benefits of being a Portuguese citizen. This is particularly advantageous for maintaining ties with your home country while integrating into Portuguese society​​.
  4. Economic Opportunities: With a stable economy and a growing tech sector, Portugal offers numerous opportunities for employment and business. Portuguese citizenship can open doors to the vibrant job market in Portugal and the broader EU.
  5. Cultural Richness: Portugal has a rich cultural heritage, vibrant cities, and beautiful landscapes. As a citizen, you can fully immerse yourself in the cultural and social life of the country.

Obtaining Portuguese citizenship involves several steps and requirements, but the benefits make it a valuable investment in your future. Whether through descent, marriage, naturalization, or investment, becoming a Portuguese citizen can significantly enhance your quality of life and provide new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Need to get your NIF?
Obtaining a Portuguese Tax Identification Number (NIF) is the essential first step in fulfilling your tax obligations in Portugal.

This number is mandatory for property owners, business directors, and all employees, as it is required for any financial and legal transactions within the country.

Eligibility Criteria

General Requirements

To be eligible for Portuguese citizenship, applicants must meet specific criteria depending on the pathway they choose. Here are the general requirements applicable across most citizenship routes:

  1. Age: Applicants must typically be over 18 years old unless applying through descent or adoption​.
  2. Legal Residence: A minimum period of legal residence in Portugal is often required, with the duration varying by pathway (e.g., five years for naturalization)​.
  3. Language Proficiency: Demonstrating proficiency in Portuguese, usually at the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), is essential for most routes.
  4. Proof of Integration: Applicants may need to show integration into Portuguese society, which could include knowledge of Portuguese culture and participation in local activities​.
  5. Documentation: Submission of necessary documents such as birth certificates, proof of residence, and identification is mandatory​​.

Clean Criminal Record

One of the fundamental eligibility criteria for Portuguese citizenship is having a clean criminal record. This requirement ensures that applicants:

  1. Have No Serious Convictions: Applicants must not have been convicted of crimes that carry a prison sentence of three years or more under Portuguese law​.
  2. Provide Police Clearance Certificates: A police clearance certificate from the applicant’s country of origin and any other country they have resided in for more than one year is required. These certificates should be recent, typically issued within the last three to six months​​​​.
  3. No Pending Legal Issues: Applicants should not have any ongoing legal proceedings or unresolved legal issues in Portugal or elsewhere​​.

Residency Requirements

Residency requirements vary depending on the pathway to citizenship. Here are the key residency requirements for the most common routes:

  1. Naturalization: Applicants must have legally resided in Portugal for at least five years. This period does not need to be consecutive but must fall within the last 15 years​.
  2. Golden Visa Program: This pathway requires minimal residency. Applicants need to spend an average of just seven days per year in Portugal for five years while maintaining their investment​​​.
  3. Marriage or Partnership: For those married to or in a long-term partnership with a Portuguese citizen, there is no strict residency requirement. However, proving the relationship and its duration (typically three years) is crucial​​​.
  4. Descent: If applying through Portuguese parents or grandparents, there is no residency requirement. However, showing some connection to Portugal, such as language proficiency or cultural ties, may be necessary​.

Meeting these criteria is essential for a successful application for Portuguese citizenship. It ensures that applicants are well-integrated into Portuguese society and committed to adhering to its laws and values.

Pathways to Portuguese Citizenship

By Descent

Portuguese Parent or Grandparent

Obtaining Portuguese citizenship through descent is a straightforward process if you have a Portuguese parent or grandparent. This route requires proving your lineage and demonstrating some connection to Portugal.

  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Parent: If you have a Portuguese parent, you can apply for citizenship regardless of your place of birth. You need to provide documentation proving your parent’s Portuguese citizenship at the time of your birth​​​.
    • Grandparent: If you have a Portuguese grandparent, you must demonstrate knowledge of the Portuguese language (A2 level) and show ties to the Portuguese community. This could include proof of residence, participation in Portuguese cultural activities, or education in Portugal​​​​.
  2. Required Documents:
    • Birth certificates (yours and your Portuguese parent’s or grandparent’s).
    • Proof of Portuguese citizenship for your parents or grandparents.
    • Documents showing ties to Portugal (for grandparent pathway)​​​.

By Birth

Born in Portugal to Foreign Parents

Children born in Portugal to foreign parents can apply for Portuguese citizenship under certain conditions:

  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    • At least one parent has legally resided in Portugal for a certain period (five years if the child was born before 2018, two years if born after 2018, or one year if born after 2020)​​​​.
    • The child has resided in Portugal for the first five years of their life if neither parent has legal residency status​​​.
  2. Required Documents:
    • Child’s birth certificate.
    • Parents’ residency documents or proof of residence.
    • Proof of continuous residence in Portugal for the required period​​.

By Naturalization

Residency Requirements

Naturalization is a common pathway for those who have legally resided in Portugal. The key requirements are:

  1. Residency Period: Applicants must have lived in Portugal for at least five years within the last 15 years. This period does not need to be consecutive​.
  2. Legal Status: Applicants must have held a valid residency visa, such as a D2, D7, or Golden Visa, during this period​​​.

Language Proficiency

Proficiency in Portuguese is a crucial requirement for naturalization:

  1. Language Level: Applicants must demonstrate A2 level proficiency in Portuguese, which includes basic understanding, speaking, and writing skills​.
  2. Accepted Certifications: Language proficiency can be proven through certificates from recognized institutions or by passing a language test conducted by Portuguese authorities​​.

By Marriage or Partnership

Requirements for Spouses and Partners

Spouses and long-term partners of Portuguese citizens can apply for citizenship under the following conditions:

  1. Marriage Duration: The applicant must be married to or in a long-term relationship (de facto union) with a Portuguese citizen for at least three years​​​.
  2. Documentation:
    • Marriage certificate or proof of partnership registration.
    • Proof of the Portuguese spouse’s citizenship.
    • Proof of the relationship’s duration and authenticity​.

By Adoption

Requirements for Adopted Children

Children under 18 adopted by Portuguese citizens can apply for citizenship:

  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    • The child must be legally adopted under Portuguese law.
    • The adoption must establish a genuine familial relationship and integration into Portuguese society​​​.
  2. Required Documents:
    • Adoption certificate.
    • Proof of the adoptive parent’s Portuguese citizenship.
    • Documents showing the child’s integration into Portuguese society (e.g., school enrollment)​​.

Golden Visa Program

Investment Requirements

The Golden Visa program offers a pathway to citizenship through investment:

Eligible Investments:

  1. Real estate purchase of at least €500,000.
  2. Capital transfer of at least €1 million.
  3. Creation of at least ten jobs in Portugal.
  4. Investment in research, arts, or cultural heritage of at least €250,000​​​.

Minimum Stay Requirements

To maintain the Golden Visa and eventually apply for citizenship:

  • Residency Requirement: Applicants must spend an average of seven days per year in Portugal for the first year and 14 days in subsequent years​​​.

Exceptional Contributions

Contributions to Portuguese Society or Culture

Exceptional contributions can also lead to Portuguese citizenship:

  1. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Applicants who have made significant contributions to Portuguese culture, science, arts, sports, or other fields.
    • This pathway often requires endorsements or recognition from relevant Portuguese authorities​​​.
  2. Required Documents:
    • Proof of contributions (awards, publications, recognitions).
    • Endorsements from Portuguese institutions or authorities​​​​.

These pathways provide various routes to Portuguese citizenship, each with its specific requirements and benefits. Understanding these pathways can help you choose the most suitable one for your circumstances and goals.

Application Process for Portuguese Citizenship

Required Documents

Applying for Portuguese citizenship requires a set of essential documents. Depending on your chosen pathway, the required documents may vary slightly. However, the following documents are typically required across most pathways:

  1. Passport: A valid passport for identification purposes.
  2. Birth Certificate: An official copy of your birth certificate, translated into Portuguese and authenticated by apostille.
  3. Proof of Residence: Documentation proving your legal residence in Portugal, such as a residence permit, rental agreement, or utility bills.
  4. Marriage Certificate: If applying through marriage, a certified copy of your marriage certificate, translated and authenticated if necessary.
  5. Proof of Descent: If applying through descent, documents proving your parent’s or grandparent’s Portuguese citizenship.
  6. Language Proficiency Certificate: Proof of proficiency in Portuguese (usually A2 level), such as a certificate from a recognized language institution.
  7. Clean Criminal Record: A police clearance certificate from your country of origin and any other country where you have resided for more than one year​​​.

Application Fees

There are fees associated with the application process for Portuguese citizenship. These fees can vary depending on the pathway and specific requirements:

  1. Naturalization and Marriage: Approximately €250.
  2. Golden Visa: The initial application fee is around €5000, with additional fees for renewals and family members.
  3. Descent: Typically free if applying through parents; however, there may be a fee (around €250) if applying through grandparents.
  4. Exceptional Contributions: Fees may vary based on the specific case and required documentation​​​.

Submission Process

Detailed Steps for Applying Both Within Portugal and from Abroad

  1. Gather Documents: Collect all necessary documents, ensuring they are translated into Portuguese and authenticated by apostille if required.
  2. Fill Out Application Form: Complete the appropriate application form, available on the Portuguese government’s immigration website or at the local consulate.
  3. Submit Application:
    • Within Portugal: Submit your application at the Institute of Registries and Notaries (IRN) or the National Support Center for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM).
    • From Abroad: Submit your application at the nearest Portuguese consulate or embassy​.
  4. Pay Fees: Pay the required application fees as per the pathway you are applying through.
  5. Await Processing: The processing time can vary but typically takes several months. Ensure you provide any additional information or documents promptly if requested​​​​.

Obtaining a NIF: Importance and Steps to Secure a Número de Identificação Fiscal

The Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) is crucial for financial and legal activities in Portugal. It is required for opening a bank account, signing contracts, and other essential tasks.

  1. Importance of NIF:
    • Financial Transactions: Necessary for any financial activity, including buying property and opening bank accounts.
    • Legal Requirements: Required for legal procedures such as signing rental agreements or employment contracts.
    • Government Services: Needed to access various government services and benefits​.
  2. Steps to Obtain a NIF:
    • Request in Person: Visit a local tax office (Serviço de Finanças) or a Loja do Cidadão with your passport and proof of address.
    • Request Online: You can obtain a NIF through online services provided by They offer assistance in securing your NIF, especially useful if you are applying from abroad.
    • Through a Representative: If you are not in Portugal, you can appoint a tax representative to obtain a NIF on your behalf​​​​.

For more details and assistance, click HERE.

Timeline and Processing

The timeline for processing Portuguese citizenship applications can vary based on the pathway and individual circumstances:

  1. Naturalization and Marriage: Typically takes six to twelve months from the date of submission.
  2. Golden Visa: Initial processing takes around four to six months, with subsequent citizenship applications taking an additional six to twelve months.
  3. Descent and Birth: Usually processed within three to six months.
  4. Exceptional Contributions: Processing time can vary widely depending on the specific case and required evaluations​​​.

Understanding the application process and preparing the required documents in advance can significantly enhance your chances of a successful application for Portuguese citizenship.

NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal)

Importance of NIF

The Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) is a critical element for anyone residing, working, or conducting financial activities in Portugal. It serves as a unique identifier for tax purposes and is necessary for a variety of everyday tasks and legal activities.

  1. Financial Transactions: A NIF is required to open a bank account, apply for a loan, or conduct any significant financial transactions. Without a NIF, managing your finances in Portugal becomes almost impossible​​​​.
  2. Employment: Employers require your NIF to process employment contracts, salary payments, and tax deductions. It is essential for formal employment and ensures that you are compliant with Portuguese tax laws​.
  3. Property Transactions: Whether you are buying, selling, or renting property in Portugal, a NIF is necessary. It is used in all property-related contracts and for registering your ownership with the local authorities​​.
  4. Access to Services: Many public and private services require a NIF, including setting up utilities (electricity, water, internet), accessing healthcare, and registering for educational institutions​​.

How to Obtain a NIF

Obtaining a NIF is a straightforward process, and it can be done either in person, online, or through a representative.

  1. Request in Person:
    • Where to Go: Visit a local tax office (Serviço de Finanças) or a Loja do Cidadão.
    • Documents Required: You will need to present your valid passport and proof of address. If you are a non-EU resident, additional documents such as a visa or residence permit may be required​.
    • Process: Fill out the application form provided at the tax office. The staff will process your request, and you will receive your NIF on the spot.
  2. Request Online:
    • Service Providers: Services like offer online assistance to obtain your NIF. This is particularly useful if you are not yet in Portugal or prefer the convenience of online processing.
    • Steps:
      • Click HERE and follow the instructions.
      • Provide the required documents, such as a scanned copy of your passport and proof of address.
      • Complete the application form online. The service provider will handle the rest and send your NIF to you electronically​​​​.
  3. Through a Representative:
    • Appointing a Representative: If you are unable to apply in person or online, you can appoint a tax representative to obtain the NIF on your behalf.
    • Documents Required: Your representative will need a power of attorney document authorizing them to act on your behalf, along with your passport and proof of address​.
    • Process: The representative will visit the tax office with the necessary documents and complete the application process for you.

Having a NIF is essential for integrating into Portuguese society and ensuring you can access the full range of financial and legal services available. By obtaining your NIF through any of these methods, you can smoothly navigate the administrative requirements of living or working in Portugal.

Need to get your NIE?
Obtaining a Spanish Tax Identification Number (NIE) is the initial step in addressing your tax obligations in Spain.
It is compulsory for owners, directors, and all employees to possess a NIE for fiscal and legal transactions within the country.

Language Requirements

A2 Level Proficiency

To obtain Portuguese citizenship, demonstrating proficiency in the Portuguese language is a key requirement. The required proficiency level is A2, which corresponds to a basic understanding and ability to communicate in everyday situations.

  1. Understanding A2 Level: According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), A2 level proficiency means that the applicant can:
    • Understand frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (e.g., basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
    • Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
    • Describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need​​​​.
  2. How to Demonstrate Proficiency:
    • Language Tests: Applicants must pass a Portuguese language test at an accredited institution. The test typically includes sections on listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
    • Language Courses: Enrolling in and completing a recognized language course that offers certification at the A2 level can also demonstrate proficiency.

Accepted Certifications

To prove A2 level proficiency in Portuguese, applicants can present certificates from recognized language institutions. Accepted certifications include:

  1. CIPLE (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira): Issued by the CAPLE (Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira) at the University of Lisbon. This is a widely accepted certificate for Portuguese language proficiency​.
  2. DIPLE (Diploma Intermédio de Português Língua Estrangeira): Although higher than A2, this diploma is also recognized and demonstrates proficiency in Portuguese at a more advanced level​.
  3. Language Courses at Recognized Institutions: Completing a Portuguese language course at recognized institutions that provide A2 level certification is another way to meet the language requirement. These institutions must be accredited by the Portuguese Ministry of Education or equivalent authorities​​.
  4. Community and Cultural Integration Programs: Some integration programs offered by local municipalities or cultural associations include language training and provide certification upon completion. These certificates must meet the A2 level criteria set by the CEFR​​​​.

Ensuring you meet the language proficiency requirement is crucial for your citizenship application. Preparing for and obtaining an accepted certification will not only fulfill the legal requirements but also help you integrate better into Portuguese society.

Dual Citizenship

Legal Provisions

Portugal allows dual citizenship, enabling individuals to acquire Portuguese nationality without having to renounce their original citizenship. This policy provides flexibility and benefits for applicants from countries that also permit dual nationality.

  1. Portuguese Nationality Law: According to the Portuguese Nationality Law, individuals can maintain their original nationality while obtaining Portuguese citizenship. This is stipulated under Law No. 37/81, as amended by Law No. 2/2006 and subsequent updates​​​​.
  2. International Agreements: Portugal is part of various international agreements that recognize dual citizenship. This means that Portuguese citizens can also hold citizenship of other countries that permit dual nationality​.
  3. Exceptions: Some countries do not allow dual citizenship. Applicants must ensure that their home country permits dual citizenship to avoid any legal conflicts or loss of their original nationality​.

Benefits and Considerations

Holding dual citizenship can provide several advantages, but it also comes with certain considerations. Here are some key benefits and factors to keep in mind:

  1. Benefits:
    • Travel and Residency: Dual citizens enjoy the right to live, work, and travel freely within both countries. For Portuguese citizens, this includes the entire European Union, providing significant mobility and opportunities​.
    • Access to Services: Dual citizens can access public services, healthcare, and education systems in both countries. This ensures broader options for quality healthcare and educational opportunities​.
    • Economic Opportunities: Dual citizenship opens up economic opportunities in both countries, including the ability to own property, start businesses, and invest in local markets​.
    • Cultural Integration: Maintaining connections to both cultures can enrich personal and family life, allowing individuals to preserve their heritage while integrating into Portuguese society​​.
  2. Considerations:
    • Tax Obligations: Dual citizens may be subject to tax obligations in both countries. It is essential to understand the tax laws and potential liabilities in each country to avoid double taxation​.
    • Military Service: Some countries require mandatory military service for their citizens. Dual citizens must be aware of and comply with such obligations in both countries if applicable​.
    • Legal Conflicts: Holding dual citizenship may lead to legal conflicts, especially if the two countries have differing laws regarding residency, civil rights, or other legal matters. It is important to be informed about the legal implications of dual citizenship​​.
    • Consular Protection: In case of conflicts or issues while abroad, dual citizens may have limited consular protection from one of their countries of citizenship, depending on the situation and international relations between the countries involved​.

Overall, dual citizenship offers significant benefits but requires careful consideration of the legal, tax, and civic responsibilities in both countries. Understanding these factors will help applicants make informed decisions and fully leverage the advantages of dual nationality.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Documentation Issues

One of the main challenges applicants face when applying for Portuguese citizenship is gathering and presenting the required documentation. This can be particularly difficult for those who need to obtain documents from multiple countries or who have limited access to certain records.

  1. Incomplete or Missing Documents:
    • Solution: Begin the documentation process early to allow time for gathering all necessary papers. Contact relevant authorities in your home country to obtain birth certificates, marriage certificates, and other required documents. If any documents are missing, seek guidance from a legal advisor or consulate on obtaining alternative or supplementary documentation​​​​​​.
  2. Document Translation and Apostille:
    • Solution: Ensure all documents are translated into Portuguese by a certified translator and authenticated by apostille if required. Some countries may have specific services that assist with the apostille process. Using professional translation and legal services can help ensure all documents meet Portuguese legal standards​.
  3. Navigating Bureaucracy in Different Countries:
    • Solution: Hire a legal advisor or immigration consultant familiar with both your home country’s and Portugal’s legal systems. They can provide specific guidance on obtaining and processing documents efficiently​​​​.

Language Barriers

Language proficiency is a significant requirement for Portuguese citizenship, but it can also be a barrier for many applicants.

  1. Difficulty Learning Portuguese:
    • Solution: Enroll in Portuguese language courses offered by recognized institutions. Many online platforms also offer language learning programs tailored to meet the A2 proficiency level required for citizenship. Participating in language exchange programs and practicing with native speakers can also enhance language skills​.
  2. Access to Language Testing:
    • Solution: Schedule language proficiency tests well in advance to ensure availability. Utilize resources provided by local cultural institutes, such as the Instituto Camões, which often offer preparatory courses and testing services​​​​.
  3. Understanding Official Documents and Processes:
    • Solution: Use translation services for official documents and seek help from bilingual legal advisors or community organizations that support immigrants. These resources can help ensure that you understand all requirements and instructions​.

Navigating Bureaucracy

The bureaucratic process of applying for citizenship can be complex and time-consuming, involving multiple steps and interactions with various government offices.

  1. Complex Application Processes:
    • Solution: Familiarize yourself with the application process by researching official guidelines and using resources provided by immigration services. Detailed guides and checklists can help ensure you complete each step correctly and on time​​​​.
  2. Long Processing Times:
    • Solution: Be patient and plan for potential delays. Regularly check the status of your application and follow up with the relevant authorities if necessary. Hiring an immigration lawyer can help expedite the process by ensuring all paperwork is correctly submitted and any issues are promptly addressed​.
  3. Dealing with Multiple Agencies:
    • Solution: Keep thorough records of all communications and documents submitted to various agencies. Use a systematic approach to track your application progress and maintain copies of all submissions. This organized approach can help resolve any disputes or issues that arise during the process​​​​.

By understanding and addressing these common challenges, applicants can navigate the process of obtaining Portuguese citizenship more smoothly and efficiently. Proper preparation, seeking professional assistance, and utilizing available resources are key to overcoming these obstacles.

Final Thoughts

Obtaining Portuguese citizenship offers numerous benefits, from increased mobility within the European Union to access to high-quality public services and economic opportunities. The process can be complex, involving various pathways, documentation, and legal requirements, but with proper preparation and understanding, it is achievable. Whether you are applying through descent, marriage, naturalization, or investment, it is crucial to gather all necessary documents, demonstrate language proficiency, and navigate the bureaucratic processes effectively.

Portugal’s acceptance of dual citizenship allows applicants to enjoy the advantages of Portuguese nationality without giving up their original citizenship. However, it is important to be aware of the potential legal and tax implications that come with holding dual nationality. Utilizing resources such as legal advisors, language courses, and professional services can significantly streamline the application process and help you overcome common challenges such as documentation issues, language barriers, and navigating bureaucracy.

Overall, the journey to Portuguese citizenship is a valuable investment in your future, providing a wealth of opportunities and benefits that can enhance your personal and professional life.


1. How long does it take to get Portuguese citizenship?

The processing time varies depending on the pathway chosen. For naturalization and marriage, it typically takes six to twelve months. The Golden Visa pathway may take four to six months initially, with citizenship applications taking an additional six to twelve months. Applications through descent or birth usually process within three to six months​​​.

2. What are the requirements for Portuguese citizenship by naturalization?

Applicants must have legally resided in Portugal for at least five years, demonstrate A2 level proficiency in Portuguese, have a clean criminal record, and show ties to the Portuguese community​​​.

3. Can I retain my original nationality when obtaining Portuguese citizenship?

Yes, Portugal allows dual citizenship, enabling individuals to retain their original nationality while acquiring Portuguese citizenship. However, it is important to check if your home country also permits dual citizenship​.

4. What is the Golden Visa program?

The Golden Visa program is a residency-by-investment scheme that allows non-EU citizens to obtain residency in Portugal through significant investments, such as real estate purchases or capital transfers. After maintaining the investment for five years, applicants can apply for citizenship​​​.

5. What documents are needed for the citizenship application?

Common documents include a valid passport, birth certificate, proof of residence, marriage certificate (if applicable), proof of descent (if applying through parent or grandparent), language proficiency certificate, and a clean criminal record certificate​​​​​​.

6. Is there a language requirement for Portuguese citizenship?

Yes, applicants need to demonstrate A2 level proficiency in Portuguese. This can be proven through language tests or certificates from recognized institutions​.

7. How can I obtain a Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF)?

A NIF can be obtained by visiting a local tax office or Loja do Cidadão in Portugal with your passport and proof of address. Alternatively, you can request it online through services like or appoint a representative to obtain it on your behalf​​​​.

8. What are the benefits of Portuguese citizenship?

Benefits include the right to live, work, and travel freely within the EU, access to high-quality healthcare and education, economic opportunities, and the ability to hold dual citizenship​.