
Portugal D7 Digital Nomad Visa

Key Info about Portuguese Digital Nomad Visa

It is vital to discuss new alterations that appeared in connection with the digital nomad visa Portugal (September 30th, 2022 was the day of the official publication of those) if you are a person who is interested in receiving it.

Well, it is a new law No. 18/2022 of August 25th that involves creating new kinds of visas and simplifies the residency permit regime for people from CLPC (which is a Community of Portuguese Language Countries; this abbreviation is going to be used in the article).

Such changes appeared because there is a strong necessity for labor in Portugal. This especially refers to the hotel sector.

Besides, Portugal is thought to be a rather popular destination for foreigners. There are several explanations for this. Some of them are as follows: amazing landscapes, nice weather, great location in Europe, historical ties with Portuguese-speaking countries (such as Brazil, EU, etc.), low criminality rates, and other important stuff. So, this served as a purpose for changing current legislation.

Considering New Visas

The first type of visa to touch upon is a visa for employment search. As stated in its name, it will be suitable for those searching for a job. Here is a list of the documents that will help you to get it:

  • Proof of three minimum monthly salaries;
  • Declaration of conditions of stay;
  • Evidence of submission of a declaration of interest for admission at IEFP (Portuguese Institute of Employment and Training).

The visa mentioned here is going to be valid for 120 days. However, you have a chance to extend it for sixty more days. A request for an extension has to be complemented by evidence of IEFP enrolment and a declaration of the person applying (it must be mentioned that everything is okay with the conditions of stay).

It is important that the visa integrates an appointment date for suggesting residence permits within a period of 120 days. Besides, after the application has a job (which looks like a real employment relationship), he receives a right to request a residence permit. 

One more kind of visa to take a look at is a visa and residency permit for remote work which is also called a digital nomad visa. Well, this visa permits remote workers (it doesn’t matter whether they are independent or have an employment contract) to work from Portugal to entities with domicile or head offices that are not situated in the national territory without having to apply for another type of visa.

If a person has an employment contract, he will have to provide documents that prove fiscal residence and monthly income of a minimum value which equals the four smallest monthly remunerations (for the last three months) and by one of the documents stated below:

  • Statement from the employer that will prove that a working relationship exists;
  • The employment contract;
  • The promise of the document stated above.

If this is a person who is self-employed, he should enclose documents stating tax residence monthly income (everything is just the same as in the previous case here) and by one of the following docs:

  • Service provision contract or its proposal;
  • Memorandum of association;
  • A paper that will show the services offered to one or more entities.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, the simplifying of the visa process in other situations also took place.

Using a Temporary Stay Visa Provided for Receiving a Residency Visa

According to the new laws, making a request for a temporary or residency visa can accompany a family member who applies for a residency permit. In other words, family reunification without the previous grant of a residency permit becomes a possible matter.

What is more, such services as Tax ID, National Health Service, and Social Security are about to be provided in automatic order.

It is given to the family member of a constant residency permit holder, a temporary residency permit valid for two years.

Visas for CPLC Citizens

Well, in this case, the process of receiving a visa was simplified a lot. This is what took place.

Now, you are not obliged to present the following stuff anymore:

  • A copy of the return ticket;
  • Valid travel insurance;
  • Proof of income.

Besides, there is no requirement to attend the office in person in order to get a visa. The process has become more flexible because such changes were introduced:

  1. The competent services are likely to refuse to give a visa only in case there is a reason to forbid entry and stay (from SIS) and the applicant does not have the authorization necessary for the underaged.
  2. The SEF’s preliminary opinion is not mandatory.
  3. Those issuing a visa will deal with the SIS databases in a direct way and it will be done rather quickly.

A CPLC residence visa gives the right to request a CPLC residence permit.

Holders of Residence Permits for the Purpose of Studying, Research, Volunteering, or Vocational Training

Those holding such permits may exercise a professional activity complementary to the one that originated the visa and may register with the IEFP (it can be subordinate or independent).

Minors’ Entry and Exit

If there is a minor who plans to leave the country without parents (or those who exercise their responsibilities) must provide authorization that will be signed by one of the parents or by a person responsible for that minor. Naturally, this should be certified.